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Age: 34 ... proud and loud 


Resides: SLC


From: Park City, Utah


Home Mountain: Brighton, Utah


Occupation: Carpenter, artist, photographer, designer, maker


Snowboarding Influences: Nate / My crew / Annie Boulanger /Barrett Christy / Victoria Jealouse / Hana Beaman / Nicolas Muller/ Anyone who rips humbly, fearlessly, and smiley


Previous sponsors: Milo / Salomon / Bonfire / Limited / Planet Earth / Adio / Salty Peaks / Iris


Other Interests: Mountainbiking / woodworking / interior design / furniture / design / fonts / skateboarding / building / photography / art / camping / travel / vacation / vans / tools / stuf f/ things  



I was raised in Park City, Utah. I learned to ski at age four and switched to snowboarding in the eighth grade. I found myself arranging my schedule and life around snowboarding. Ditching school at most opportuinies because the closeness of the resorts was too tempting to resist. I competed quite a bit in high school and college, and even made it to nationals for halfpipe. Along with snowboarding came skateboarding. In college I frequented any and most skateparks with transition. Love me some mini. The love and devotion to these wonderful sports led me to meet the wonderful Nate Millard. I am still ever inspired by his passion.


I received my Bachelors Degree from the University of Utah in fine art photography. After school my best friend and I traveled the US for two months in my van, what a beauty. I have always made time for play, and my thirst for a new sport introduced me to mountain biking. I never knew I could love another sport as much as snowboarding until I rode two wheels down a single track in the woods. Maybe its the woods, and the mountains that fuel me more than anything.


After college I decided I needed a break from the camera. So, I picked up a hammer and decided I wanted to build. The canvas for creative expression can be found in many ways. Wood working has opened up exciting visions and a lucky girl I am to have a hot husband to collaborate and create with.


Cheers to happy people, good style, cold beers, love, campfires and adventure.   


Motto:"remember who you are and what you stand for"





Bree Millard

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